Livestock & forage Research Directorate


To generate, popularize and deliver livestock and forage technologies, knowledge and information in participatory and integrated way for all the pastoral and agro-pastoral communities to ensure food self-sufficiency; food-security; and economic development in the region


  • To avail technological and institutional innovations in animal feeds and nutrition that can improve productivity of animals and thereby contribute to poverty reduction, nutritional security, economic growth/social transformation and environmental sustainability.
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To generate, develop, adapt and promote improved Poultry, Apiculture and Aqua cultural research technologies for increasing Poultry, Apiculture and Aqua cultural production and productivity, improving nutritional quality, import substitution, sustainable supply of raw material for agro industries and broadening the opportunity to exploit the potential export markets.  To generate, develop, adapt, and promote improved camel, cattle, sheep and goat technologies, knowledge and agricultural innovations for increasing their productivities, as well as improving nutritional quality and sustainable development of camel, cattle sheep and goat.  To conduct and coordinate regional dairy research in order to generate technologies and innovations that contribute to food security, poverty reduction, import substitution, export promotion and environmental sustainability.  To promptly avail proven technologies, information and knowledge on its mandate of beef commodity and support attainment of self-reliance and export led economic growth, sustainable supply of raw material for agro-industries, and broadening the opportunity to exploit the potential export markets and income generations for households, the region and country at large.  To generate, develop and adapt animal health technologies, knowledge and policy for improving livestock production efficiency, animal welfare, product quality and public health safety.

Target programs of the Directorate

The livestock and forage research directorate has four main research target programs and each research target program have one program leader and some research teams. The program names are listed below:

  1. Program one: ruminant research program; under this program there are two sub parts dairy and meat research related activities
  2. Program two: Poultry, Apiculture and Aquaculture research program
  3. Program three: Feed and nutrition research program
  4. Program four: Animal health research program

Fig 3: lactating camel feeding on improved grass Fig 2:  Feeding experimental camels

Fig 3: Experimental for Exotic Fig 4: Experimental bucks Holestein fresian & their crosses                                        

Fig 5: Experimental ewes Fig 6: Experimental Dorper sheep

Fig1: Buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris)    Fig 2: Napier Grass (Pennisitum purpureum)

Fig 3: Sudan Grass (Sorghum Sudanese)   Fig 4: Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)

Fig 5: Dolicus Lablab (Lablab purpureus)     Fig 6: Panicum Max L Grass

Fig 7: Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana)